Turning the Page
Interested in purchasing the Early Bird Special for the Beta RPA Workshop? It will be available between April 26th and May 3rd.
On the 26th of April, 10am ~ 4pm,
I am “Turning the Page” from Healing Touch to Healing Words.
This event is to celebrate several things.
CHI Massage Therapy’s finale
CHI’s clients for supporting me thus long
My book launch (3rd book), Lucky the BYRD : The Full Story
My partnership with a new friend, Olivia, owner of FlickerMill Candles and YFFR (Yoga For First Responders)
The start to my new business as a life coach, called Inner Water Reflection; Redefine You.
Early Bird Special for our very first Beta Workshop called RPA. More details below. (We are looking for 10 women who are going through miscarriages)
Recalibrate. Pivot. Align.
We are looking for 10 women who are currently struggling with pregnancies and miscarriages.
This is the first beta workshop for RPA. We need 10 women who are currently struggling with miscarriages to help them through understanding their miscarriage, to be able to share with others who also understand, but also learning to look forward beyond the miscarriage and understand what their needs are and have the tools to act on their individual needs.
This Beta RPA Workshop will be on the 21st of June (10am~2pm)
Early Bird Special available between April 26th to May 3rd. Take advantage of the Early Bird special before the price goes up, after the 3rd of May.
When a Beta RPA Workshop is purchased, you will get a physical and emailed gift certificate, which we will need upon your arrival.
On the day of the workshop you will get a gift box containing the following:
A Gift certificate to be presented on the day of the Beta Workshop that will include:
- Yoga by Olivia
- Meditation by Olivia
- Story sharing with coaching by me
- A workbook, which you will get at the workshop, to use and take homeFlickerMill Candle of your choosing
Cat’s Lucky the BYRD series:
- The Birth of Lucky the BYRD (Big Yellow Rubber Ducky) through a miscarriage
- Lucky the BYRD: Standing by Her Side Through a Miscarriage
- Lucky the BYRD: The Full StorySome cute stationary to help you continue your work after the Beta RPA Workshop